Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy B'day!

(about the pic the photographer said-A teddy bear sitting on a grave of a women called "Paula". I don't know her but based on her year of birth, I'm guessing that the teddy bear was a gift from a grandchild)

There is a girl who lives in house in front of mine, 
sweet n simple but with a heart which is divine.

When things are not right... all u need is her sweet smile. 
For it to become a special day jus be with her for a while.

She knows the sense in stupidity... 
Can make even a toothache a calamity!

She wants to b a child when she grows old... 
Got the spirit of hurricane, no one can keep her on hold.

She is the one who made my life pretty easy
 n she hates it when i say the word 'busy'.

hey nutty, my tooti-frooti, there something i want to tell u truely... 
No matter wt u think bt i belong to u already!

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